Terms and Conditions
Any software product on this website is sold or provided on an as is basis. TI Project HX and anyone else who has been involved in the creation, production, or delivery of this software product disclaims all warranties relating to the respective software, whether express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Neither TI Project HX nor anyone else who has been involved in the creation, production or delivery of the software product shall be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages arising out of the use or inability to use the software product, even if TI Project HX has been advised of the possibility of such damages or claims. The person or legal entity using the software product bears all risk as to the quality and performance of the software product.
As the software is available for 30 day trial use prior to purchase for continued use, TI Project HX's general policy is one of no refunds after purchasing. TI Project HX at is discretion however, may extend the trial period for an interested party if that party requires more time to properly evaluate the software product.
Customer Location and Sales Tax/VAT/GST:
Digital products on this web site are B2B sales. If you are not a business or company, you should not place an expression of interest to purchase on this site.
TI Project HX is an Australian registered business and is currently not registered to collect and submit GST. As such, the GST amount shown on the invoice will be $0.
For countries that allow a reverse charge mechanism
Examples are the Euro, UK, India, Japan, Singapore, Thailand and New Zealand. Purchases are made on a reverse charge basis, meaning that the onus is with the purchasing company to reconcile and remit the appropriate tax through their taxation system. The relevant tax will be shown as $0 on the invoice. To provide compliant invoicing, the purchasing company will need to provide details of their VAT/GST or equivalent tax registration.
Currently, TI Project HX does not currently meet economic nexus in any state/locality where a sales tax is levied and as such, it not required to collect and remit such taxes to the respective taxing body. The onus is on the buyer to remit the sales tax in accordance with their respective local/state taxation laws. Sales tax will be shown a $0 on the invoice.
Currently, TI Project HX is has not been registered to collect SST, based on the 12 monthly RM thresholds required for registration. As such, no GST is currently payable on sales. However, there may be an onus on the purchaser to remit the respective tax under their local taxation laws. Sales tax will be shown a $0 on the invoice.
For all other countries not covered by the above
Please contact TI Project HX at support@toprojecthx.com before making a purchase.